purple power!
12th annual DV awareness fundraiser
“The Safe Space”

You are welcome to attend our Women's Support Group - The Safe Space. Just register using the link below.
heather hurley foundation's purple power recap
News12 Brooklyn
We are committed to preventing and eradicating abuse in all forms, therefore the Heather Hurley Foundation stands in solidarity with all who are fighting against systemic abuses against Asians and peoples of the African Diaspora. The Heather Hurley Foundation is committed to the safety of survivors of domestic violence. We understand that the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions set in place to keep the public safe, have triggered an increase in incidences of another pandemic - Domestic Violence. Please know that advocates are here to support you. If you are in an emergency situation, please call 911. Safe temporary shelters are still available. The Domestic Violence Hotline is also still open 24/7. Call 1-800-799-7233. If you are unable to speak, log onto www.thehotline.org or text LOVEIS to 1-866-331-9474. We are here for you.
We are committed to preventing and eradicating abuse in all forms, therefore the Heather Hurley Foundation stands in solidarity with all who are fighting against systemic abuses against Asians and peoples of the African Diaspora. The Heather Hurley Foundation is committed to the safety of survivors of domestic violence. We understand that the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions set in place to keep the public safe, have triggered an increase in incidences of another pandemic - Domestic Violence. Please know that advocates are here to support you. If you are in an emergency situation, please call 911. Safe temporary shelters are still available. The Domestic Violence Hotline is also still open 24/7. Call 1-800-799-7233. If you are unable to speak, log onto www.thehotline.org or text LOVEIS to 1-866-331-9474. We are here for you.
Welcome to the Heather Hurley Foundation for the Prevention of Domestic Violence
Identifying and Preventing Domestic Abuse Before It Begins
Identifying and Preventing Domestic Abuse Before It Begins
Our Mission
To educate the community on domestic abuse; install a preventive educational program called BLOOM365, into New York City schools to combat violence; provide advocacy to high risk youths; provide support groups to women who are survivors/victims of domestic violence; and ultimately provide temporary shelter to survivors of domestic abuse/intimate partner violence. |
Our Services
* We advocate on behalf of individuals seeking emergency shelter assistance through services offered by Safe Horizon. * We offer information tabling services upon request * Our founder, Nicole Sharpe, is transparent regarding her unique experience with domestic violence. Read her book, The End Of November. She is available for speaking engagements. Book Nicole Today! |
Help & Support
Thanks to our sponsors who value the lives of every individual and believe in the importance of personal safety. Our sponsors sincerely invest in the future of our community and for this reason, we applaud them! If you too hold these ideals, join us by being a sponsor of the Heather Hurley Foundation for the Prevention of Domestic Violence. It's easy. Just click our Donate button! Read More |
Our Immediate GOALS
EDUCATE the community about Domestic Abuse |
ADOPT a preventive educational initiative called BLOOM365 and install it into NYC schools |
PROVIDE a confidential and safe space for support groups and one on one support |
Identifying and Preventing Domestic Abuse Before It Begins
Nicole Sharpe is a child survivor of Domestic Violence. She was orphaned when her father murdered her mother. Read More... |
Dionne Davis has been an advocate for domestic violence awareness and prevention for 8 years to date. Read More... |
Vernalisa comes with over 28 years of administrative experience in organizing and facilitating. Read More... |
Dr. Alliancin is an advocate for Women’s Health with emphasis on Minority Health Education and Disease Prevention. Read More... |
Lorraine retired after 25 years as Director of the Employee Assistance Program at SUNY Downstate Medical Center. She holds degrees in Public Health and Chemical Dependency Counseling. She has received training in domestic violence prevention and education, and has presented on DV for SUNY, CUNY, FEGS, LIU, NYS Governor's Office of Employee Relations, and Maimonides Hospital. |
Harrison Green is the Director of State Legislative Affairs at the Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY). Read More... |
For our 2021 trip to Uganda, the Heather Hurley Foundation Team visited the ladies from our project, Mirembe African Village. Our Village currently consists of 15 survivors of domestic violence and their 55 children. These ladies have experienced the most traumatic circumstances that revolve around abuse, including but not limited to, physical violence, food insecurity and homelessness. Through your donations, our ladies and their vulnerable children, have been removed from violent environments and some have even begun their own businesses! |